Tequila Sueños -

All four parts

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   Unfortunately, life for most of us is a little too predictable. We are forced to spend much of our existence in mundane daily routines that leave precious little time for doing things we really enjoy. Here's a suggestion to partially remedy that situation. Pick up a copy of Tequila Sueños - Part One, Part Two, Part Three or the new Part Four. You will be instantly transported to a world that is overflowing with romance, adventure, and mystery. All this - without sacrificing reality; there are no dragons (yet), zombies, spies or aliens.

    At the beginning of this story, the three primary characters are just learning of events that will turn their otherwise drab lives - upside down. Rueben Taylor, James Wright and Enrique Orozco are men from three different cities, three different professions and three different ethnic backgrounds. They are united, however, by a love for agave and everything else Méxicano. They find themselves traveling to México to chase people who have done serious damage to their firms.

     So - as fate would have it, the vagaries of life are about to catch up with these three men at precisely the same time. They gradually migrate to a single location where they finally meet. This event concludes Part One of Tequila Sueños (Los Tres Hombres). The second volume entitled Tequila Sueños - Part Two (Los Tres Amigos) begins the story of the men working together as a cohesive unit to solve their problems. As the story evolves, it becomes apparent that a mysterious stranger has taken notice of the 3 Amigos and their plights. This phantom appears to come and go at will - dropping suggestions, directions and clues along the way. But as much help as this unknown benefactor appears to be - there seems to be an ulterior motive driving him. He is in search of ancient treasures - lost in the veil of time and unseen by indigenas (native people), mestizas (mixed-blood descendants) or Castilians  (pure-blood Spanish) for over 400 years. Talk about needles in a haystack - this is that scenario times ten.

      The story continues in Part Three (Los Tres Misterios) - as the main characters return to the U.S. to solve problems there. Once again I ask, "Do you have a spirit of adventure?" That's all it will take to enjoy these books. And - the newest development in the Tequila Sueños story is Part Four - (Los Tres Tesoros) Let's face it, you can't be out there every day - doing exciting things in unforgettable places. Might I suggest in the lapses between your personal adventures - you fill in a small portion of your time with my adventure. So - don't forget that tasting glass filled with three ounces of your favorite tequila (or other agave expression) before you sit down. It will add a great deal of SPIRIT to the story of Tequila Sueños. Now - it's time to get started.   

¡Buen Viaje!

Tequila Sueños - A Novel in Many Parts

Featuring: Mystery, Adventure, Romance -

   And Lots of Tequila and other Agave Spirits

  Are you a tequila/mezcal fan?  Do you enjoy traveling to Mexico?  Would you rather live an adventure than read about it? Get in line we are all in the same boat!