Rueben Taylor, James Wright and Enrique Orozco (the Three Amigos) are at their best in Volume Four (Los Tres Tesoros). As they migrate from one place to another throughout Mexico - they keep finding treasures and clues that will lead to even more undiscovered booty. In this book, the Amigos are not alone in their discoveries. El Capitan, Father Miguel, Diego and even their three novias manage to conjure up some pretty impressive artifacts. Get ready to take a deep dive into the spirit world in this volume. It's very enjoyable reading.

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This is the new edition to the Tequila Sueños family. Do you love Agave Spirits? Do you enjoy a good story? Do you wish your life was a little more exciting? Well, if you choose to read these books, I can guarantee you will find adventure and mystery in a wide variety of places and situations. This is Tequila Sueños - Part Four: Los Tres Tesoros. In this installment of the story - you will discover three (or more) of the treasures that have been eluding men for centuries.

Tequila Sueños - Parts One, Two, Three and the NEW - Part Four