A Taste of Tequila Sueños - Part 2 

(Los Tres Amigos)

  It's a warm sticky night in Guadalajara. This is one of those evenings when the shudders on the windows should be thrown open and if there is a ceiling fan - it should be whirling at full speed. On a summer's eve like this, a closed vehicle is no place to spend the night. Even as they sleep, James and Ella are generating a good deal of heat. The difference in temperature between the inside and the outside of the car is causing small droplets of water to condense on the windows inside the Suburban. Eventually, the ceiling starts to drip and the seats become damp to the touch.

  James has been asleep for a little less than three hours, but after the day he had - another seven or eight might help. Ella is not quite so content in her dream time. She sleeps - imagining that a soft gentle rain is falling and she tries to catch the drops with her tongue. Suddenly, a large drop enters one of James' nostrils and he instinctively blows it back out his nose. The noise and the incipient snot wake Ella and as she turns her head to better observe James - he sneezes directly in her face.

Ella: "James - are you awake? I fear we are being attacked by the weather. It's time to make a run for the house. Are you with me?"

  James is still half asleep and all he hears is "attacked" and "make a run for the house." He bolts upright throwing Ella forward and hitting his head on the car ceiling.

James: "I will hold them off, El Capitán while you escape."

Ella: "James - wake up - you are dreaming."

  As Ella says these lines, James draws the pistol from his shoulder holster and points it directly at the front windshield of the Suburban. He pulls the trigger, but nothing happens. There is no bullet in the chamber and nothing advances. Thank goodness for small favors. Ella screams and wakes James up completely.

James: "Good God - are we still in the car, Ella? I guess I lost track of time - of everything, in fact. OH MY goodness darling, why do you have that look on your face? There is nothing here that can harm us."

Ella: "James - you have a gun. Why would you have a gun? They are forbidden for public carry - surely you know that. And furthermore, you are a foreigner. Please, I must know what is happening in your life that you would resort to something this dangerous."

James: "I promise I will tell you, Ella - but can we go inside your house and clean up first? I need a shower to wake me up."

Ella: Okay! Let's get out of here. First, I am going to roll down the windows so the interior dries out. It's like a greenhouse in here. Come on - let's go."

  It's still well before sunrise and a sliver of the moon is bright in the sky. James follows Ella into the house but abruptly trips over a hassock which is sitting in the middle of the hall. Ella turns on an overhead light to reveal several pieces of furniture slightly out of place.

Ella: "What's this all about? Someone has been here. I never leave things like this scattered around.""